
FDA Cosmetic Registration

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Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) is nothing but a reporting system of FDA to regulate cosmetics/ingredients distribution in US. 

Are you a manufacturer? Or a packer? Or a distributor of cosmetic products? And do you wish to supply your cosmetics/ingredients in US? Then yes, you will have to go through this registration process. 

The system is applicable to the products that are sold to the consumers in United States. 

The system regulated the cosmetics marketed in the US. The VCRP database store the information regarding the ingredients used in the cosmetic product.

You can refer the regulations – 21 CFR 710 & 21 CFR 720 for the registration process. 

What are the benefits of VCRP?

VCRP helps out FDA by providing best estimate of information available about cosmetics/ingredients, usage frequency and their respective distributors & manufacturers. 

CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review) utilizes the information available on VCRB database to confirm the safety aspects of the ingredients. 

Steps to register Cosmetics:

  • Open a VCRP account with FDA
  • Registrations are divided as follows:
    • To register cosmetic product (Filling of Form FDA 2511
    • To file cosmetic product ingredient Statement (Filling of Form FDA 2512)


Any owner or operator from a cosmetic manufacturer, packer, or distributor can open a VCRP account. Consultants or agents cannot open accounts on behalf of their client.

Once the commercial distribution of product has begun in United States, the cosmetic product is registered.

Cosmetics must not be adulterated or misbranded. For example, they must be safe for consumers under labeled or customary conditions of use, and they must be properly labeled.

VCRP does not apply to cosmetic products for professional use only, such as products used in beauty salons, spas, or skin care clinics. It also does not apply to products that are not for sale, such as hotel samples, free gifts, or cosmetic products you make in your home to give to your friends

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