Before placing a device on the market, manufacturers are required to undertake an assessment of the conformity of that device, in accordance with the applicable conformity assessment procedures set out in Annexes IX to XI of (EU) 2017/745 Medical Devices Regulation (MDR). Subject to classification and conformity assessment route chosen, devices of classification IIa and higher will need their Technical Documentation assessed by the Notified Body.
EU MDR is a new legislation and for initial approvals, a complete submission with all the relevant Technical Documentation included is required even if the device was previously certified under the EU MDD.
Reasons for delays in Technical Documentation reviews are:
-First filled application form along with the documents required.
-After accepting the form notified body will assign the reviewer.
-The conformity assessment of the Technical Documentation review can begin upon receipt of a signed quote together with required application documentation (per Annex IX for initial submissions).
-The conformity assessment of the Technical Documentation review can begin upon receipt of a signed quote together with required application documentation (per Annex IX for initial submissions).
Prior to starting the implementation phase, you should put a plan in place. The steps below will guide you through the main topics.
Optical Character Recognition (searchable format): Manufacturers scanning directly from printed pages should utilize Optical Character Recognition (OCR) so that as much of the resultant PDF file is searchable as possible.
Manufacturer personnel support: The more quickly information can be provided, the more quickly questions can be closed to progress towards certification.
Document availability: If a document includes hyperlinks or cross-references to other documents or embedded documents, ensure that these are functional, and all the documents are available.
Languages: As part of the quality system, or of the documents defining the manufacturing process, the manufacturer should have procedures for ensuring accurate translation of labelling, instructions for use, product claims in marketing materials, SSCPs etc. These are especially important for user instructions where the safety and claimed performance of the device may be compromised through inadequate translation or the SSCPs where inaccurate information may be presented to the end-users or patients through inadequate translation.
Certificate scope: Sometimes the addition of new products, or even changes to existing products, can affect the scope of the associated Quality System certificate (e.g., Annex IX Chapter I & III QMS certificate or Annex XI Part A EU Quality Assurance certificate).
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Accessories: Are any new devices or instruments used with the products under review? If a Class III device, for example, requires the use of new Class IIa, Class Im or Class Is equipment which is not within the scope of the existing Quality Management System certification, additional Technical Documentation File reviews may be required for these accessories.
Novelty: Are any new (new to manufacturer or new to medical device industry) or innovative materials, processes, assemblies or techniques associated with the devices?
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