Management Review Meeting (MRM)

Management Review Meeting

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    Management review meeting is an official, organized meeting chaired by the top management and all other departmental heads with Management representative as a lead person. MRM should be conducted at regular intervals, as it is one of the vital part of quality management system, mostly it is conducted twice in a year.

    The purpose of the MRM is to estimate or appraise the effectiveness of your Management System, helping you to determine its continued suitability and adequacy.

    Management Review Meeting (MRM)

    In MRM, the top management reviews below mentioned points :

    • Feedback
    • Handling of received complaints
    • Points from the previous audit both internal and external
    • Follow up actions for previous MRM
    • Areas to be improved
    • Applicable new or revised regulatory requirements
    • Corrective action and preventive action taken and their effectiveness
    • Monitoring and measuring the quality of processes and products
    • Changes that could affect the quality management system
    • Review of risk management

    As Management Reviews are so vital to getting the most out of a Management System, Management Representative, has overall responsibility for it and is accountable for convening, attending and reporting on Management Reviews.

    Maven can help you in conducting these meetings efficiently as per ISO requirements owing to the fact that most of the management lack efficient team, time and understanding to interpret these requirements.

    Maven offers an integrated AMC service that includes conducting IQA and MRM apart from managing their entire quality management system and regulatory framework. We are responsible for preparing the annul schedule for both IQA and MRM, notifying the management and team to be prepared for the same and later conducting them and submitting a detailed audit report and minutes of the meeting for the MRM. We help take the necessary Corrective and Preventive Actions and help them monitor the improvements against points discussed in MRM. We also offer training courses that can help develop auditing skills for employees.

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